Processionary Caterpillars!

It's that time of year, and we're working hard to remove and destroy nests....
Contributor: Admin
Date published: 28/01/2018
Pool Clean and re-tile

What started off as a simple clean ended up being a whole lot more ........
Contributor: Admin
Date published: 19/01/2018
Wall finished!

In under 10 man days, the wall has been clad in stone!....
Contributor: Admin
Date published: 22/11/2017

Installation of 6 panel trellising to keep dogs away from the neighbours chickens!....
Contributor: Admin
Date published: 16/11/2017
Cladding - Day 2

Well, today saw more cladding .........
Contributor: Admin
Date published: 14/11/2017
The Great Wall!

Day one of cladding a 60 m2 wall in beautiful stone. ....
Contributor: Glen
Date published: 13/11/2017
The Starting point!

Today we started fitting the stone to the wall. As we are waiting for a sheet of marble to arrive, we started at the opposite end to our original plans. Today we started fitting the stone to the wall. As we are waiting for a sheet of marble to arrive....
Contributor: Admin
Date published: 13/11/2017
Plastered and painted 'Solar Shed'

Plastered and painted 'Solar Shed' with a rustic finish ........
Contributor: Glen
Date published: 10/11/2017
Tiling done!

Finished tiling the floor of the solar shed ........
Contributor: Glen
Date published: 08/11/2017
Building the wall!

Here we are starting to build the wall that we will later clad in stone.....
Contributor: Glen
Date published: 01/03/2017
30 tons of Zahora!

Laying 30 tons of Zahora to level and firm up a terrace....
Contributor: Admin
Date published: 20/02/2017